Cassandra Database
Apache Cassandra® is a widely used database for storing transactional application data. The introduction of functions and tooling in Large Language Models has opened up some exciting use cases for existing data in Generative AI applications. The Cassandra Database toolkit enables AI engineers to efficiently integrate Agents with Cassandra data, offering the following features:
- Fast data access through optimized queries. Most queries should run in single-digit ms or less.
- Schema introspection to enhance LLM reasoning capabilities
- Compatibility with various Cassandra deployments, including Apache Cassandra®, DataStax Enterprise™, and DataStax Astra™
- Currently, the toolkit is limited to SELECT queries and schema introspection operations. (Safety first)
Quick Start
- Install the cassio library
- Set environment variables for the Cassandra database you are connecting to
- Initialize CassandraDatabase
- Pass the tools to your agent with toolkit.get_tools()
- Sit back and watch it do all your work for you
Theory of Operation
Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is the primary human-centric way of interacting with a Cassandra database. While offering some flexibility when generating queries, it requires knowledge of Cassandra data modeling best practices. LLM function calling gives an agent the ability to reason and then choose a tool to satisfy the request. Agents using LLMs should reason using Cassandra-specific logic when choosing the appropriate toolkit or chain of toolkits. This reduces the randomness introduced when LLMs are forced to provide a top-down solution. Do you want an LLM to have complete unfettered access to your database? Yeah. Probably not. To accomplish this, we provide a prompt for use when constructing questions for the agent:
You are an Apache Cassandra expert query analysis bot with the following features
and rules:
- You will take a question from the end user about finding specific
data in the database.
- You will examine the schema of the database and create a query path.
- You will provide the user with the correct query to find the data they are looking
for, showing the steps provided by the query path.
- You will use best practices for querying Apache Cassandra using partition keys
and clustering columns.
- Avoid using ALLOW FILTERING in the query.
- The goal is to find a query path, so it may take querying other tables to get
to the final answer.
The following is an example of a query path in JSON format:
"query_paths": [
"description": "Direct query to users table using email",
"steps": [
"table": "user_credentials",
"SELECT userid FROM user_credentials WHERE email = '[email protected]';"
"table": "users",
"query": "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?;"
Tools Provided
Gathers all schema information for the connected database or a specific schema. Critical for the agent when determining actions.
Selects data from a specific keyspace and table. The agent can pass paramaters for a predicate and limits on the number of returned records.
Expiriemental alternative to cassandra_db_select_table_data
which takes a query string completely formed by the agent instead of parameters. Warning: This can lead to unusual queries that may not be as performant(or even work). This may be removed in future releases. If it does something cool, we want to know about that too. You never know!
Environment Setup
Install the following Python modules:
pip install ipykernel python-dotenv cassio langchain_openai langchain langchain-community langchainhub
.env file
Connection is via cassio
using auto=True
parameter, and the notebook uses OpenAI. You should create a .env
file accordingly.
For Casssandra, set:
For Astra, set:
For example:
# Connection to Astra:
# Also set
(You may also modify the below code to directly connect with cassio
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Import necessary libraries
import os
import cassio
from langchain import hub
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_openai_tools_agent
from langchain_community.agent_toolkits.cassandra_database.toolkit import (
from import (
from langchain_community.utilities.cassandra_database import CassandraDatabase
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
API Reference:
Connect to a Cassandra Database
session = cassio.config.resolve_session()
if not session:
raise Exception(
"Check environment configuration or manually configure cassio connection parameters"
# Test data pep
session = cassio.config.resolve_session()
session.execute("""DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS langchain_agent_test; """)
CREATE KEYSPACE if not exists langchain_agent_test
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS langchain_agent_test.user_credentials (
user_email text PRIMARY KEY,
user_id UUID,
password TEXT
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS langchain_agent_test.users (
name TEXT,
email TEXT
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS langchain_agent_test.user_videos (
user_id UUID,
video_id UUID,
title TEXT,
description TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, video_id)
user_id = "522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89"
video_id = "27066014-bad7-9f58-5a30-f63fe03718f6"
INSERT INTO langchain_agent_test.user_credentials (user_id, user_email)
VALUES ({user_id}, '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO langchain_agent_test.users (id, name, email)
VALUES ({user_id}, 'Patrick McFadin', '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO langchain_agent_test.user_videos (user_id, video_id, title)
VALUES ({user_id}, {video_id}, 'Use Langflow to Build a LangChain LLM Application in 5 Minutes');
# Create a CassandraDatabase instance
# Uses the cassio session to connect to the database
db = CassandraDatabase()
# Create the Cassandra Database tools
query_tool = QueryCassandraDatabaseTool(db=db)
schema_tool = GetSchemaCassandraDatabaseTool(db=db)
select_data_tool = GetTableDataCassandraDatabaseTool(db=db)
# Choose the LLM that will drive the agent
# Only certain models support this
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model="gpt-4-1106-preview")
toolkit = CassandraDatabaseToolkit(db=db)
tools = toolkit.get_tools()
print("Available tools:")
for tool in tools:
print( + "\t- " + tool.description)
Available tools:
cassandra_db_schema -
Input to this tool is a keyspace name, output is a table description
of Apache Cassandra tables.
If the query is not correct, an error message will be returned.
If an error is returned, report back to the user that the keyspace
doesn't exist and stop.
cassandra_db_query -
Execute a CQL query against the database and get back the result.
If the query is not correct, an error message will be returned.
If an error is returned, rewrite the query, check the query, and try again.
cassandra_db_select_table_data -
Tool for getting data from a table in an Apache Cassandra database.
Use the WHERE clause to specify the predicate for the query that uses the
primary key. A blank predicate will return all rows. Avoid this if possible.
Use the limit to specify the number of rows to return. A blank limit will
return all rows.
prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/openai-tools-agent")
# Construct the OpenAI Tools agent
agent = create_openai_tools_agent(llm, tools, prompt)
input = (
+ "\n\nHere is your task: Find all the videos that the user with the email address '[email protected]' has uploaded to the langchain_agent_test keyspace."
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
response = agent_executor.invoke({"input": input})
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
Invoking: `cassandra_db_schema` with `{'keyspace': 'langchain_agent_test'}`
[0m[36;1m[1;3mTable Name: user_credentials
- Keyspace: langchain_agent_test
- Columns
- password (text)
- user_email (text)
- user_id (uuid)
- Partition Keys: (user_email)
- Clustering Keys:
Table Name: user_videos
- Keyspace: langchain_agent_test
- Columns
- description (text)
- title (text)
- user_id (uuid)
- video_id (uuid)
- Partition Keys: (user_id)
- Clustering Keys: (video_id asc)
Table Name: users
- Keyspace: langchain_agent_test
- Columns
- email (text)
- id (uuid)
- name (text)
- Partition Keys: (id)
- Clustering Keys:
Invoking: `cassandra_db_select_table_data` with `{'keyspace': 'langchain_agent_test', 'table': 'user_credentials', 'predicate': "user_email = '[email protected]'", 'limit': 1}`
[0m[38;5;200m[1;3mRow(user_email='[email protected]', password=None, user_id=UUID('522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89'))[0m[32;1m[1;3m
Invoking: `cassandra_db_select_table_data` with `{'keyspace': 'langchain_agent_test', 'table': 'user_videos', 'predicate': 'user_id = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89', 'limit': 10}`
[0m[38;5;200m[1;3mRow(user_id=UUID('522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89'), video_id=UUID('27066014-bad7-9f58-5a30-f63fe03718f6'), description='DataStax Academy is a free resource for learning Apache Cassandra.', title='DataStax Academy')[0m[32;1m[1;3mTo find all the videos that the user with the email address '[email protected]' has uploaded to the `langchain_agent_test` keyspace, we can follow these steps:
1. Query the `user_credentials` table to find the `user_id` associated with the email '[email protected]'.
2. Use the `user_id` obtained from the first step to query the `user_videos` table to retrieve all the videos uploaded by the user.
Here is the query path in JSON format:
"query_paths": [
"description": "Find user_id from user_credentials and then query user_videos for all videos uploaded by the user",
"steps": [
"table": "user_credentials",
"query": "SELECT user_id FROM user_credentials WHERE user_email = '[email protected]';"
"table": "user_videos",
"query": "SELECT * FROM user_videos WHERE user_id = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89;"
Following this query path, we found that the user with the user_id 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89
has uploaded at least one video with the title 'DataStax Academy' and the description 'DataStax Academy is a free resource for learning Apache Cassandra.' The video_id for this video is 27066014-bad7-9f58-5a30-f63fe03718f6
. If there are more videos, the same query can be used to retrieve them, possibly with an increased limit if necessary.[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m
To find all the videos that the user with the email address '[email protected]' has uploaded to the langchain_agent_test
keyspace, we can follow these steps:
- Query the
table to find theuser_id
associated with the email '[email protected]'. - Use the
obtained from the first step to query theuser_videos
table to retrieve all the videos uploaded by the user.
Here is the query path in JSON format:
"query_paths": [
"description": "Find user_id from user_credentials and then query user_videos for all videos uploaded by the user",
"steps": [
"table": "user_credentials",
"query": "SELECT user_id FROM user_credentials WHERE user_email = '[email protected]';"
"table": "user_videos",
"query": "SELECT * FROM user_videos WHERE user_id = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89;"
Following this query path, we found that the user with the user_id 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89
has uploaded at least one video with the title 'DataStax Academy' and the description 'DataStax Academy is a free resource for learning Apache Cassandra.' The video_id for this video is 27066014-bad7-9f58-5a30-f63fe03718f6
. If there are more videos, the same query can be used to retrieve them, possibly with an increased limit if necessary.
For a deepdive on creating a Cassandra DB agent see the [CQL agent cookbook](