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llama.cppOllamaGPT4Allllamafile 等项目的受欢迎程度凸显了在本地(在您自己的设备上)运行 LLM 的需求。


  1. 隐私:您的数据不会发送给第三方,也不受商业服务条款的限制
  2. 成本:没有推理费用,这对需要大量令牌的应用程序(例如,长期运行的模拟、摘要)非常重要


在本地运行 LLM 需要一些条件:

  1. Open-source LLM: 一个可以自由修改和共享的开源 LLM
  2. Inference: 能够在您的设备上以可接受的延迟运行该 LLM

开源 LLMs

用户现在可以访问一系列快速增长的 开源 LLMs

这些 LLMs 可以从至少两个维度进行评估(见图):

  1. Base model: 基础模型是什么,如何进行训练?
  2. Fine-tuning approach: 基础模型是否经过微调,如果是,使用了什么 指令集

Image description


  1. LmSys
  2. GPT4All
  3. HuggingFace


为支持在各种设备上进行开源 LLM 推理,出现了一些框架:

  1. llama.cpp: C++ 实现的 llama 推理代码,包含 权重优化 / 量化
  2. gpt4all: 优化的 C 后端用于推理
  3. Ollama: 将模型权重和环境打包成一个在设备上运行并提供 LLM 的应用
  4. llamafile: 将模型权重和运行模型所需的一切打包成一个文件,允许您从该文件本地运行 LLM,而无需任何额外的安装步骤


  1. 量化: 减少原始模型权重的内存占用
  2. 高效的推理实现: 支持在消费硬件上进行推理(例如,CPU 或笔记本 GPU)

特别地,请参见 这篇优秀的文章 关于量化的重要性。


通过降低精度,我们显著减少了存储 LLM 所需的内存。

此外,我们可以看到 GPU 内存带宽的重要性 表格!

Mac M2 Max 在推理方面比 M1 快 5-6 倍,因为其更大的 GPU 内存带宽。



一些提供商有 chat model 包装器,可以处理您所使用的特定本地模型的输入提示格式。然而,如果您使用 text-in/text-out LLM 包装器提示本地模型,您可能需要使用针对您特定模型的提示。

这可能 需要包含特殊标记这是 LLaMA 2 的一个示例


Ollama 是在 macOS 上轻松运行推理的一种方式。

这里 的说明提供了详细信息,以下是我们的总结:

  • 下载并运行 应用程序
  • 从命令行中,从此 选项列表 获取模型:例如,ollama pull llama3.1:8b
  • 当应用程序运行时,所有模型会自动在 localhost:11434 上提供服务
%pip install -qU langchain_ollama
from langchain_ollama import OllamaLLM

llm = OllamaLLM(model="llama3.1:8b")

llm.invoke("The first man on the moon was ...")
'...Neil Armstrong!\n\nOn July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the lunar surface, famously declaring "That\'s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" as he stepped off the lunar module Eagle onto the Moon\'s surface.\n\nWould you like to know more about the Apollo 11 mission or Neil Armstrong\'s achievements?'


for chunk in"The first man on the moon was ..."):
print(chunk, end="|", flush=True)
Neil| Armstrong|,| an| American| astronaut|.| He| stepped| out| of| the| lunar| module| Eagle| and| onto| the| surface| of| the| Moon| on| July| |20|,| |196|9|,| famously| declaring|:| "|That|'s| one| small| step| for| man|,| one| giant| leap| for| mankind|."||

Ollama 还包括一个聊天模型包装器,用于处理对话回合的格式:

from langchain_ollama import ChatOllama

chat_model = ChatOllama(model="llama3.1:8b")

chat_model.invoke("Who was the first man on the moon?")
AIMessage(content='The answer is a historic one!\n\nThe first man to walk on the Moon was Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut and commander of the Apollo 11 mission. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module Eagle onto the surface of the Moon, famously declaring:\n\n"That\'s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."\n\nArmstrong was followed by fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, who also walked on the Moon during the mission. Michael Collins remained in orbit around the Moon in the command module Columbia.\n\nNeil Armstrong passed away on August 25, 2012, but his legacy as a pioneering astronaut and engineer continues to inspire people around the world!', response_metadata={'model': 'llama3.1:8b', 'created_at': '2024-08-01T00:38:29.176717Z', 'message': {'role': 'assistant', 'content': ''}, 'done_reason': 'stop', 'done': True, 'total_duration': 10681861417, 'load_duration': 34270292, 'prompt_eval_count': 19, 'prompt_eval_duration': 6209448000, 'eval_count': 141, 'eval_duration': 4432022000}, id='run-7bed57c5-7f54-4092-912c-ae49073dcd48-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 19, 'output_tokens': 141, 'total_tokens': 160})



为了最小化延迟,最好在配备GPU的本地运行模型,这在许多消费级笔记本电脑中都可以找到 例如,Apple设备


运行 Apple Silicon GPU

Ollamallamafile 将自动利用 Apple 设备上的 GPU。

其他框架需要用户设置环境以利用 Apple GPU。

例如,llama.cpp 的 Python 绑定可以通过 Metal 配置为使用 GPU。

Metal 是由 Apple 创建的图形和计算 API,提供对 GPU 的近乎直接访问。

请参阅 llama.cpp 设置 这里 以启用此功能。

特别是,确保 conda 使用您创建的正确虚拟环境(miniforge3)。


conda activate /Users/rlm/miniforge3/envs/llama


CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" FORCE_CMAKE=1 pip install -U llama-cpp-python --no-cache-dir



  1. HuggingFace - 许多量化模型可供下载,并可以使用诸如llama.cpp之类的框架运行。您还可以从HuggingFace下载llamafile格式的模型。
  2. gpt4all - 模型浏览器提供了一个指标排行榜和可供下载的相关量化模型。
  3. Ollama - 可以通过pull直接访问多个模型。


使用 Ollama,通过 ollama pull <model family>:<tag> 获取模型:

  • 例如,对于 Llama 2 7b:ollama pull llama2 将下载模型的最基本版本(例如,参数最少和 4 位量化)
  • 我们还可以从 模型列表 指定特定版本,例如 ollama pull llama2:13b
  • API 参考页面 查看完整的参数集合
llm = OllamaLLM(model="llama2:13b")
llm.invoke("The first man on the moon was ... think step by step")
' Sure! Here\'s the answer, broken down step by step:\n\nThe first man on the moon was... Neil Armstrong.\n\nHere\'s how I arrived at that answer:\n\n1. The first manned mission to land on the moon was Apollo 11.\n2. The mission included three astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins.\n3. Neil Armstrong was the mission commander and the first person to set foot on the moon.\n4. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module Eagle and onto the moon\'s surface, famously declaring "That\'s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."\n\nSo, the first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong!'


Llama.cpp 与一组 广泛的模型 兼容。

例如,下面我们对从 HuggingFace 下载的 llama2-13b 进行 4 位量化推理。

如上所述,请参见 API 参考 以获取完整的参数集。

根据 llama.cpp API 参考文档,有几个值得评论的参数:

n_gpu_layers: 加载到 GPU 内存中的层数

  • 值:1
  • 意义:模型将只加载一层到 GPU 内存中(1 通常足够)。

n_batch: 模型应并行处理的令牌数量

  • 值:n_batch
  • 意义:建议选择 1 和 n_ctx 之间的值(在这种情况下设置为 2048)。

n_ctx: 令牌上下文窗口

  • 值:2048
  • 意义:模型将同时考虑 2048 个令牌的窗口。

f16_kv: 模型是否应使用半精度的键/值缓存

  • 值:True
  • 意义:模型将使用半精度,这可以更节省内存;Metal 仅支持 True。
%pip install --upgrade --quiet llama-cpp-python --no-cache-dirclear
from langchain_community.llms import LlamaCpp
from langchain_core.callbacks import CallbackManager, StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler

llm = LlamaCpp(

控制台日志将显示以下内容,以指示 Metal 已正确启用:

ggml_metal_init: allocating
ggml_metal_init: using MPS
llm.invoke("The first man on the moon was ... Let's think step by step")
Llama.generate: prefix-match hit


1. 第一个登上月球的人是美国人。
2. 他是阿波罗 11 号任务的一部分。
3. 他走出登月舱,成为第一个踏上月球表面的人。
4. 他的姓是阿姆斯特朗。

现在,让我们运用推理能力找出第一个登上月球的人。根据线索 #1,我们知道第一个登上月球的人是美国人。线索 #2 告诉我们他是阿波罗 11 号任务的一部分。线索 #3 揭示了他是第一个踏上月球表面的人。最后,线索 #4 给出了他的姓:阿姆斯特朗。

llama_print_timings: load time = 9623.21 ms
llama_print_timings: sample time = 143.77 ms / 203 runs ( 0.71 ms per token, 1412.01 tokens per second)
llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 485.94 ms / 7 tokens ( 69.42 ms per token, 14.40 tokens per second)
llama_print_timings: eval time = 6385.16 ms / 202 runs ( 31.61 ms per token, 31.64 tokens per second)
llama_print_timings: total time = 7279.28 ms
"并运用逻辑推理来找出第一个登上月球的人。\n\n这里有一些线索:\n\n1. 第一个登上月球的人是美国人。\n2. 他是阿波罗 11 号任务的一部分。\n3. 他走出登月舱,成为第一个踏上月球表面的人。\n4. 他的姓是阿姆斯特朗。\n\n现在,让我们运用推理能力找出第一个登上月球的人。根据线索 #1,我们知道第一个登上月球的人是美国人。线索 #2 告诉我们他是阿波罗 11 号任务的一部分。线索 #3 揭示了他是第一个踏上月球表面的人。最后,线索 #4 给出了他的姓:阿姆斯特朗。\n因此,第一个登上月球的人是尼尔·阿姆斯特朗!"


我们可以使用从 GPT4All 模型浏览器下载的模型权重。

与上面所示的类似,我们可以运行推理并使用 API 参考 来设置感兴趣的参数。

%pip install gpt4all
from langchain_community.llms import GPT4All

llm = GPT4All(
llm.invoke("The first man on the moon was ... Let's think step by step")
".\n1) The United States decides to send a manned mission to the moon.2) They choose their best astronauts and train them for this specific mission.3) They build a spacecraft that can take humans to the moon, called the Lunar Module (LM).4) They also create a larger spacecraft, called the Saturn V rocket, which will launch both the LM and the Command Service Module (CSM), which will carry the astronauts into orbit.5) The mission is planned down to the smallest detail: from the trajectory of the rockets to the exact movements of the astronauts during their moon landing.6) On July 16, 1969, the Saturn V rocket launches from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, carrying the Apollo 11 mission crew into space.7) After one and a half orbits around the Earth, the LM separates from the CSM and begins its descent to the moon's surface.8) On July 20, 1969, at 2:56 pm EDT (GMT-4), Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon. He speaks these"



1) 从HuggingFace下载一个llamafile 2) 使文件可执行 3) 运行该文件



# Download a llamafile from HuggingFace

# Make the file executable. On Windows, instead just rename the file to end in ".exe".
chmod +x TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.llamafile

# Start the model server. Listens at http://localhost:8080 by default.
./TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.llamafile --server --nobrowser


from langchain_community.llms.llamafile import Llamafile

llm = Llamafile()

llm.invoke("The first man on the moon was ... Let's think step by step.")
"\nFirstly, let's imagine the scene where Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. This happened in 1969. The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong. We already know that.\n2nd, let's take a step back. Neil Armstrong didn't have any special powers. He had to land his spacecraft safely on the moon without injuring anyone or causing any damage. If he failed to do this, he would have been killed along with all those people who were on board the spacecraft.\n3rd, let's imagine that Neil Armstrong successfully landed his spacecraft on the moon and made it back to Earth safely. The next step was for him to be hailed as a hero by his people back home. It took years before Neil Armstrong became an American hero.\n4th, let's take another step back. Let's imagine that Neil Armstrong wasn't hailed as a hero, and instead, he was just forgotten. This happened in the 1970s. Neil Armstrong wasn't recognized for his remarkable achievement on the moon until after he died.\n5th, let's take another step back. Let's imagine that Neil Armstrong didn't die in the 1970s and instead, lived to be a hundred years old. This happened in 2036. In the year 2036, Neil Armstrong would have been a centenarian.\nNow, let's think about the present. Neil Armstrong is still alive. He turned 95 years old on July 20th, 2018. If he were to die now, his achievement of becoming the first human being to set foot on the moon would remain an unforgettable moment in history.\nI hope this helps you understand the significance and importance of Neil Armstrong's achievement on the moon!"


一些 LLM 在特定提示下会受益。

例如,LLaMA 将使用 特殊标记

我们可以使用 ConditionalPromptSelector 根据模型类型设置提示。

# Set our LLM
llm = LlamaCpp(


from langchain.chains.prompt_selector import ConditionalPromptSelector
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate

template="""<<SYS>> \n You are an assistant tasked with improving Google search \
results. \n <</SYS>> \n\n [INST] Generate THREE Google search queries that \
are similar to this question. The output should be a numbered list of questions \
and each should have a question mark at the end: \n\n {question} [/INST]""",

template="""You are an assistant tasked with improving Google search \
results. Generate THREE Google search queries that are similar to \
this question. The output should be a numbered list of questions and each \
should have a question mark at the end: {question}""",

QUESTION_PROMPT_SELECTOR = ConditionalPromptSelector(
conditionals=[(lambda llm: isinstance(llm, LlamaCpp), DEFAULT_LLAMA_SEARCH_PROMPT)],

prompt = QUESTION_PROMPT_SELECTOR.get_prompt(llm)
PromptTemplate(input_variables=['question'], output_parser=None, partial_variables={}, template='<<SYS>> \n You are an assistant tasked with improving Google search results. \n <</SYS>> \n\n [INST] Generate THREE Google search queries that are similar to this question. The output should be a numbered list of questions and each should have a question mark at the end: \n\n {question} [/INST]', template_format='f-string', validate_template=True)
# Chain
chain = prompt | llm
question = "What NFL team won the Super Bowl in the year that Justin Bieber was born?"
chain.invoke({"question": question})
  Sure! Here are three similar search queries with a question mark at the end:

1. Which NBA team did LeBron James lead to a championship in the year he was drafted?
2. Who won the Grammy Awards for Best New Artist and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance in the same year that Lady Gaga was born?
3. What MLB team did Babe Ruth play for when he hit 60 home runs in a single season?

llama_print_timings: load time = 14943.19 ms
llama_print_timings: sample time = 72.93 ms / 101 runs ( 0.72 ms per token, 1384.87 tokens per second)
llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 14942.95 ms / 93 tokens ( 160.68 ms per token, 6.22 tokens per second)
llama_print_timings: eval time = 3430.85 ms / 100 runs ( 34.31 ms per token, 29.15 tokens per second)
llama_print_timings: total time = 18578.26 ms
'  Sure! Here are three similar search queries with a question mark at the end:\n\n1. Which NBA team did LeBron James lead to a championship in the year he was drafted?\n2. Who won the Grammy Awards for Best New Artist and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance in the same year that Lady Gaga was born?\n3. What MLB team did Babe Ruth play for when he hit 60 home runs in a single season?'

我们还可以使用 LangChain 提示中心来获取和/或存储特定于模型的提示。

这将与您的 LangSmith API 密钥 一起使用。

例如,这里 是一个适用于 RAG 的 LLaMA 特定标记的提示。


给定一个从上述模型创建的 llm,您可以用于许多用例

例如,这里有一个关于本地 LLM 的RAG指南。

一般来说,本地 LLM 的用例可以由至少两个因素驱动:

  • 隐私:用户不想共享的私人数据(例如,日记等)
  • 成本:文本预处理(提取/标记)、摘要和代理模拟是使用令牌密集型的任务

此外,这里是关于微调的概述,微调可以利用开源 LLM。


您还可以留下详细的反馈 在 GitHub 上